How Can Google Ads Help You Advance Your Business Goals?

Answer: Google Ads can help you advance your business goals by building brand awareness, by driving sales in person, online, in-app, and over-the-phone and by influencing consideration of your offerings.

If you’re preparing for the Google Analytics exam, you’re likely to be faced with the question: “How can Google Ads help you advance your business goals?” Select all correct answers before finding the solution below:

  • By building brand awareness

  • By driving sales in-person, online, in-app, and over-the-phone

  • By influencing consideration of your offerings

  • All of the above

The correct answer is All of the above.

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First, Google Ads help build brand awareness. Ads are targeted to specific users based on demographic data and search history. New users will be automatically shown your ads if they meet the right criteria, helping to spread brand awareness. Brand awareness is important when targeting the upper levels of the sales funnel.

In this stage, people are looking for information on how to solve their problems, but aren’t necessarily prepared to make a purchase. By getting in front of the customer at this stage and providing them with the answers to their questions, you build trust and goodwill. This way, when they start to move down the funnel and become more prepared to buy, the likely hood they’ll choose you as a solution provider is much higher.

Google Ads can also drive sales in many ways. For those that are more prepared to make a purchase, Google Ads provides you a route to directly reach the people searching for your solution. At this point, the customer will be in the consideration/conversion stages of the sales funnel. And as 87% of shoppers start their purchase journey online, having your ads be the first thing they see greatly increases your ability to drive sales, both in-person and online. Pro Tip: Including your address and phone number in an ad can increase in-person and over-the-phone sales. You can also include links to your website and app to gain sales that way.

Finally, Google Ads can influence consideration of your products and services. Google does this by showing your ads to people who are already familiar with your brand and are searching for your solution but have not recently visited your website (Within the last 30 days). Through this users will be able to see your offerings and compare them to those of your competitors. 

If you are looking to start running Google Ads for your business and want to avoid wasting money and time, consider hiring a Digital Marketing Agency like Further Insights. Our marketing experts work closely with you to help you reach your online marketing goals and drive your business to success. Schedule a free consultation today and get back to what really matters, helping people.

Further Resources: Google Ads For Your Business

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